Wednesday, August 17, 2016

West Point AOG Advisory Council Election - Western Region AOG Societies

Greetings from your Rockbound Highland Home.  We had the AOG leadership conference this past week, in conjunction with Field Force Training and “Reorgy Week / A-day”.  To say the least, it was a very fruitful week.  I had the privilege of assisting our senior Western Region Advisor, Matt DeHaven, in the regional break-out session.  He will put out info to y’all in the not too distant future concerning the goings-on of this week, and in particular, our session.

As the newest of the 3 regional society advisors, the upcoming AOG Western Region election has fallen to me.  Regional Advisors serve 3 year terms, and may be elected to consecutive terms.   One Regional Advisor slot is open for election each year.  Advisory Council Meetings typically are held quarterly back at West Point.  Travel costs fall to the individual.  Be advised that those serving on the Board of Directors and Advisory Council are in fact expected to donate not only their time while representing their region, but also monetarily to the AOG!

If anyone desires to run for this office, three things are required:

-          A statement of support (nomination) from their AOG Society, highlighting their support to West Point and their local Society;
-          A letter from the candidate confirming their willingness to serve on the Advisory Council; their involvement with USMA / AOG activities; and explaining what qualities they would bring to the AOG, representing the Western Region;
-          A “military bio” highlighting their military career and subsequent association with West Point and the AOG.

In order to facilitate the Western Region Advisor election, nominations and statements should be sent electronically to me at NLT Sunday, 4 September.

I will be sending out election information the following week for voting by the Societies.  Note that there will be one vote per Society.   If multiple votes are received from a given Society, the vote of the senior-most person (Society President preferred) will be counted.  The 3 pieces of information highlighted above for each nominee will be sent to all of you for your consideration when voting.

Thanks again for all you have done for your country, and for that which you continue to do for West Point and your communities.

COL (Ret) Kevin Riedler
H-2 ‘81

Note - due to the large number of Society Leaders, I will send multiple copies of this email so that my email server will accommodate the number of addressees.

Kevin R. Riedler

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